"Bump off" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Berendey_Ivanov / Andrey_Kobysnyn from Pexels

"Bump (someone) off" (tiếng lóng) nghĩa là loại bỏ hoặc trừ khử, giết. Nghĩa khác là làm mất kết nối internet.

Ví dụ
Then why go to all this elaborate (tỉ mỉ) business? All John had to do was bump off his ex.

The best players even know dirty (bẩn thỉu) ways to "bump off" their competition (đối thủ) while protecting their own sites.

Even Katie had to concede (thừa nhận) that she couldn't go and bump off the man who was possibly the last honest-to-goodness (chân thật và thành tâm) white-hat (có đạo đức) hero in America.

Maybe he is scared. He needs money but he won't want to do anything that might make the police suspect (nghi ngờ) him. You've got money. Marry you, bump you off after you've made your will (di chúc) and after a couple of years to allay suspicion (xóa tan nghi ngờ) and he'd be comfortably off.

Thu Phương

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