"Fist bump" nghĩa là gì?

Dịch bệnh "nhờ" các ông mà lây lan. Photo by FirestoneTheo

"Fist bump" nghĩa là một kiểu chào hỏi hoặc ăn mừng phổ biến của đàn ông Mỹ, dùng 2 nắm đấm chạm vào nhau. Hành động này cũng có nghĩa tương tự như cái bắt tay chào hỏi.

Ví dụ
”It’s awesome. I love it. It’s nice to give a little fist bump or elbow bump in a sanitary (vệ sinh) way, but hugs will come later," Freeman said.

UFC has been left in crisis (khủng hoảng) after the sport's chief Dana White fist-bumped Covid-19 victim (nạn nhân) Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza - and then greeted all his other fighters (võ sĩ) the same way, potentially passing on the virus.

“He gives a fist bump to every student who walks into the school in the morning,” Payne said. “The small things are what matters and make OHS great. I feel like I’ve excelled (giỏi hơn) here academically (về mặt lý thuyết), but I always feel pushed to be kind of the best.”

It will be hard to resist (từ chối) the urge to hug a friend or family we have not seen in a while or fist bump a co-worker, but we have to continue practicing safe social distancing (giãn cách xã hội) if we want to continue to return to life as we knew it – we have to keep the disease from spreading out of control.

Thu Phương

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