"Throne room" nghĩa là gì?

Nơi được chăm chút nhất nhà. Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels 

"Throne room" không phải phòng của hoàng gia gì đâu, mà là nhà vệ sinh. "Throne" là tiếng lóng phổ biến của "toilet" (bồn cầu).

Ví dụ
If you’ve got a youngster who seems to constantly “forget” to wash up after a stint (phần việc) in the throne room, this might just be the attention-grabbing reminder (nhắc nhở) they need.

You ever look at your toilet brush (chổi cọ) in disgust and resentment (oán giận)? How's a dirty used-up brush sitting in your throne room? You clean your bathroom but then you put that sucker down in its place and it's just like, mocking (chế giễu) you. It's never truly immaculate (tinh khiết). Never knowing true cleanliness.

To salute (chào mừng) the 1967 roots of the original building, interior decorators (trang trí nội thất) created a ’67 atmosphere with the in-room and lobby furniture (đồ đạc) and the wallpaper in the bright bathrooms. Sitting on the throne, you can read the walls, which are finished with newspaper pages that describe many of the city’s highlights during Canada’s centennial year .

Thu Phương

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