"A coin flip" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Yucel Moran on Unsplash

"A coin flip" = tung đồng xu -> nghĩa là tình huống có hai trường hợp xảy ra, thường đối lập nhau, được quyết định theo may rủi.

Ví dụ
It turns out, if you want to be happy with your choice, relying on (dựa vào) the coin flip is the way to go. One of the authors of Freakonomics, and a University at Chicago economist Steven Levitt found that when it comes to big, life-changing decisions, people are happier with the choices they made based on a coin flip than any other method.

Making decisions based on the flip of a coin could help you live a happier life, according to a study. Researchers found that those who make choices using a coin toss are more likely to go ahead with the decision, are more satisfied (mãn nguyện) and have higher overall happiness six month down the line.

It’s kind of a coin flip. One year it could be you don’t have as many athletes and then the next year you get a surplus (dư thừa, nhưng ý ở đây là có rất nhiều) of athletes. I still think we’re going to coach as hard as we can and try to get the best out of the kids. We have really great kids.

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