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cần có cái gọi là "lễ chia tay" - một hành vi mang tính biểu tượng, như đập vỡ cốc có ảnh chụp chung hai người chẳng hạn..., thừa nhận rằng it's over và move on...
Dear Dan,

Recently my girlfriend broke up with (chia tay) me, and I can’t stop thinking about her. We were together for many years, and I was deeply in love. Now I can’t control my feelings (không kiểm soát được cảm xúc): Every day I go from anger (bực tức) to mourning (khóc than) to fantasizing (mơ mộng, ảo mộng) about getting back together. What can I do to start moving on with my life?


When someone we love dies, we have ceremonies (lễ, nghi lễ) like funerals (đám tang) and wakes to help us mourn. These rituals (trình tự hành lễ; nghi thức; một hình thái nghi thức đặc biệt) mark (đánh dấu) the conclusion of our relationship (sự chấm dứt mối quan hệ) with the person we’ve lost, allowing us to focus on our pain (tập trung vào nỗi đau), express (bày tỏ) it and put it behind (ở phía sau) us. If we kept fantasizing that the loved one was coming back, we’d never be able to move forward.

There aren’t any established rituals for mourning the loss of a loved one in a break-up, but there should be, so try creating one for yourself—some formal way of acknowledging (thừa nhận) that the relationship is over and won’t be coming back. This won’t take away your pain, but it should help you start recovering from it sooner.

Tags: marriage

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