Stress vì ở nhà với vợ

ko phải chỉ vì vợ, con là lý do chính,

mà là những nguyên nhân lớn hơn như an toàn, công việc, thu nhập... mà vẫn cứ phải quanh quẩn ở nhà (giãn cách xã hội)

-> cố tìm cách kiểm soát cuộc sống, dậy đúng giờ hằng ngày, tập thể dục, học kỹ năng mới v.v... covid-19 sẽ ko biến mất sớm, và phải học cách sống chung với căng thẳng liên tục như này thôi...
Dear Dan,

It feels like I’ve been cooped up with (giam, nhốt lại) my wife and children for a year, and I’ve started to lose my temper (mất bình tĩnh, tức giận, tức tối) about things that never bothered me before, like when the kids make noise. I can’t run away from home, but I don’t want to feel angry all the time either. What can I do to lower my stress level?


Your desire to run away makes sense. One of the best things we can do when strong emotions bubble up (sôi sùng sục, nổi tăm) is distance ourselves physically from the source of those feelings—in this case, your family. If you live in a place where you can safely go outside, next time you get angry go for a walk or a run and don’t come back for 30 minutes. That should be enough time for your emotions to subside.

You mention getting along with your family as the main source of stress, but like most people these days, you’re probably also worrying about bigger issues like your safety and your financial future. These kinds of worries make us feel helpless, and the best way to combat that feeling is to find ways to take control of our lives. This could mean waking up at the same time every day, starting an exercise plan so you can see your progress over time, or learning a new skill like cooking. Covid-19 will be with us for a while, and we need to figure out how to live with it without non-stop stress.

Tags: marriage

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