"Free, white, and twenty-one" nghĩa là gì?

Sexy, free and single. Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni from Pexels

"Free, white, and twenty-one" nghĩa là bạn đã trưởng thành, đã có quyền tự do hợp pháp để đưa ra quyết định của riêng mình trong cuộc sống, mà không bị ảnh hưởng bởi bất kỳ ai khác. Cụm từ xuất phát từ thời còn chế độ nô lệ ở Mỹ, khi đó người da trắng và 21 tuổi nghĩa là một công dân tự do và có đầy đủ quyền lợi.

Ví dụ
There is strong evidence that light-skinned blacks still receive preferential (ưu tiên) treatment in white and black America. I wondered how many of my cousins who had been free, white and twenty-one would claim their colored relative and heritage.

A:'I don't want any secrets either. It's a lousy way to start a marriage. Julie and I were lovers for a long, long time.' 
B:'What happened?'
A:'You've heard the saying, “I'm free, white and twenty-one”? Well, Julie's free and she's twenty-one now. But she isn't white. Her mother's Chinese-American, and her father's Chinese.'

Prior to desegregation (xoá bỏ nạn phân biệt chủng tộc) in America, a frequently heard statement by European Americans was “I am free, white, and twenty-one.” In essence, the person was stating that he or she could enjoy the ultimate freedom society had to offer by virtue of being single, the right color, and of legal age. Today, that statement has lost the power and privilege (đặc quyền) it once possessed because society has moved on from that mind-set.

Thu Phương

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