“Low-life” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by frankie cordoba

“Low-life” = cuộc đời thấp hèn -> nghĩa là những người bần tiện, bị khinh thường trong xã hội; hoặc tầng lớp/giai cấp những người như vậy.

Ví dụ
All the rotten low life welfare (phúc lợi xã hội, tiền trợ cấp) losers in town ! Report Add Reply. Ginger Jun 2, 2020 2:59pm. Long over due for either the National Guard or the Army to move in.

“My husband is devastated, as he has spent over $10,000 on paintwork and interior,” Morrison said. She says while the car is insured, the incident has left the family nervous to take it out should “some low life” strike again.

Bear in mind that some who are looting and creating mayhem (tình trạng cực kỳ lộn xộn) are bands of opportunists and low-life thieves. But many others belong to organizations that are well-funded and have plans of action. Such groups, including Antifa, plan and direct acts that require logistics, funding, equipment, weapons, and the moving of tools of destruction to various cities in an attempt to foment (xúi giục, khích) unrest.

Ka Tina

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