"The breath of life" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Nine Köpfer

"The breath of life" = hơi thở cuộc sống -> nghĩa là điều cần thiết mà ai cũng cần và phụ thuộc vào để có một cuộc sống trọn vẹn.

Ví dụ
He didn't want his followers to suffer the pain of not being able to breathe. He restored God's original gift to humanity: He gave us a breath of life. In so doing, he fulfilled his core mission on Earth: "I have come that all people may have life and have it in all its fullness" (John 10:10).

Breath has power. He breathed on them, scripture (Kinh Thánh) says. And that’s how he sent the Holy Spirit into them. This comes from a long history in scripture where breath is power. We find it in Genesis: “And the Lord formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils (lỗ mũi) the breath of life, and the person became a living being.”

I am sad that such dissension (mối bất đồng, chia rẻ) occurs because of those who forget that all mortals are of equal importance in the universe. Not even a century ago, Hitler and his gang insisted that the Jews were subhuman (chưa giống con người) – on a par with rodents (loài gặm nhấm) and vermin (sâu bọ, bọn ký sinh). The Nazis used their ovens and their camps to rid the world of the undesirables they deemed unworthy of life. It seems to me that the man with the white knee on some level considered the man with the black neck insignificant enough, undesirable enough to disallow him the breath of life.

Ka Tina

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