“The staff of life” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Miti

“The staff of life” = chỗ dựa cuộc đời -> nghĩa là thực phẩm thiết yếu để ăn, đặc biệt là bánh mì (coi (như) thức ăn cơ bản nuôi sống con người)

Ví dụ
As the coronavirus-panicked population continues to storm the grocery stores, one item that has been almost literally flying off the shelves is about as basic as it gets — good old bread, aka the staff of life. Why is it that any hint of disaster has us feeling the need to stock up on this one particular staple (sản phẩm chủ yếu, mặt hàng chủ lực)?

Referred to as the “staff of life” in the Bible, bread has been, literally, served for ages. Interestingly, darker grains (thóc lúa) were often eaten by peasants (nông dân, tá điền), with refined grains going to royalty (hoàng tộc). Lower classes didn’t have the money or fancy equipment to process wheat by separating out the grain’s various components (thành phần) to make bread look white and make it easy to digest (tiêu hóa). Yet isn’t it ironic how these days, a healthier and “cleaner” bread would contain more whole grains and be darker in color, less processed and have a desirable high-fiber content (hàm lượng chất xơ cao)?

Such skyscraper (nhà cao tầng, nhà chọc trời) satisfaction is probably denied the average person but cooking in this loneliness — or alternatively, forced proximity — has been a salvation for lots of us. And the symbolism (chủ nghĩa tượng trưng) of bread, the staff of life, is not lost. Sourdough, the subject of the most impassioned Instagrams and Nick Knight-levels of photography, involves of course the “mother”, a mixture of flours, water and wild yeasts (men). The mother must be fed and nurtured (nuôi dưỡng) just as, with luck, your own mum nurtured you. She eventually gives rise to a bonny (tươi tắn), burnished loaf full of holes. I could go on but I think I’ll leave the Freudian interpretation (sự giải thích, làm sáng tỏ) right there.

Ka Tina

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