"Travel at a fast clip" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by zhang kaiyv from Pexels

"Travel at a fast clip" nghĩa là di chuyển ở tốc độ nhanh. "At fast clip" là rất nhanh.

Ví dụ
On the way home, Harvey drove the buggy (xe độc mã) at a fast clip, not looking at Twilight.

An experienced hiker traveling at a fast clip without rest stops can generally make 3 miles per hour on any terrain (địa hình), and perhaps more if the distance is all downhill.

He drove the new dream vehicle at a fast clip, slashing through (đi xuyên qua) the plains and mountains of the country, using these brand new highways for all that they were worth.

That Russo was traveling at a fast clip is shown by the fact that the force of the blow caused the Bea truck to be turned over on its side apparently right at the point where it was struck.

Thu Phương

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