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chú rể trải qua đêm tân hôn ở trong tù vì đấm vỡ mũi người ngồi che máy ảnh (ở biển, đòi 50 usd mới rời đi)...

Jeffery Alvord, 27, of Boynton Beach, was arrested Sunday after the beach brawl in Ocean Ridge, a small coastal town in Palm Beach County.

Alvord said he was on the beach getting ready for his wedding to start when Trevor Mooney, 24, was sitting in front of the wedding party and blocking the camera's view.

Alvord said he asked Mooney to move, but he refused, so Alvord offered him $20. Alvord said Mooney told him he would move for $50.

Bài trước: Còn dám mơ tưởng
Tags: marriage

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