"The straw that breaks the donkey's back" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by: Daniel Burka on Unsplash

"The straw that breaks the donkey's back" = cọng rơm làm gãy lưng con lừa, việt nam có chuyện ngụ ngôn 'chiếc áo phú ông làm gãy lưng con lạc đà' đó các bạn -> cụm từ này nghĩa là vấn đề/gánh nặng/sức ép tưởng là nhỏ, không quan trọng nhưng lại là yếu tố cuối cùng/"giọt nước tràn ly" khiến một người, hệ thống, tổ chức... sụp đổ, lụn bại.

Ví dụ
Sadly for some photographers coronavirus has come at the wrong time. It’s the straw that broke the donkey’s back. With any situation like this, there will undoubtedly be some casualties (tổn thát) and this is the reality that has hit our photography industry. For some this will come as sad news as it highlights the struggles that we all face, others though will welcome the news as it would mean less competition for them (yes, there are people out there that think that way).

Finally, finally, maybe this attempt to induce (xúi giục) a foreign power to meddle (can thiệp) in an American election is the bridge too far, the Rubicon crossed, the straw that broke the donkey’s back. Maybe — dare we hope? — the elephant’s too.

I’m normally not sensitive about any kind of politically incorrect jokes, but this may be the straw that broke the donkey’s back. My aunt had diabetes (tiểu đường), when I heard about it I immediately started dieting and lost 30 lbs with the Loaded Gun Diet.

Ngọc Lân

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