Tập trung một việc thôi

đừng đa nhiệm,

nữ ủy viên hđqt trường học quên tắt camera và... tắm khi đang họp...
A Pittsburgh Public Schools' board member (ủy viên hđqt) forgot to turn off her camera before getting in the shower during a live virtual meeting (cuộc họp ảo/qua mạng) Wednesday.

Veronica Edwards was seen undressing (cởi quần áo, cởi đồ) and getting into the shower during the district’s live-streamed public agenda meeting.

Edwards is a Pittsburgh Public Schools graduate and worked 37 years at the district before retiring.

In a written statement, Edwards said she regretted the incident, but remains "committed (cam kết, tận tâm), resolved (quyết tâm) and focused on her responsibilities to educate all children (giáo dục các trẻ nhỏ)."


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