"Anchoring bias" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash.

"Anchoring bias" = lệch lạc trong neo tham chiếu -> nghĩa là xu hướng quá tập trung vào thông tin đầu tiên mình nghe thấy đến mức lấy thông tin đó làm tiêu chuẩn để ra quyết định.

Ví dụ
Avoiding anchoring bias is key, Santhosh says. “All people who present to your clinics with COVID do not necessarily have complications (biến chứng) of COVID. We have seen missed diagnosis (chẩn đoán) of malignancies (khối u ác tính) and autoimmune (tự miễn dịch) conditions that people erroneously (một cách sai lầm) attributed to ‘just post-COVID.’”

The anchoring bias focuses discussions on a particular price point rather than to the intrinsic value (giá trị nội tại) of the subject being negotiated. From an investment perspective, investors succumb to anchoring when viewing a current share price relative to its trading history rather than the price of the share in relation to its intrinsic value.

While the anchoring bias is certainly annoying when trying to win guessing games, it can have even graver effects on financial decision making. Many of our money choices aren’t entirely rational to start with, and the anchoring bias is likely to skew our choices even further. Unfortunately, clever sales people can easily take advantage of this fact.

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