"Choice bias" nghĩa là gì?

đã chọn... Photo by Carol Oliver on Unsplash.

"Choice bias" = định kiến chọn lựa -> nghĩa là có cái nhìn tích cực về những chọn lựa trong quá khứ trong khi lại quá chú ý những mặt tiêu cực của các phương án mình không chọn.

Ví dụ
When criticized in the past, Lichter and other defenders of the school cited an anti-school-choice bias they believe exists in the education establishment (giới lãnh đạo).

However, scientists did not know whether the SC helped filtering out other sensory stimuli to help focus on the target visual inputs (increased choice bias), or if it was enhancing visual sensitivity.

The researchers built the game so that for every character a player could choose, there was an equally rewarding one had merely been given to them. On average, players showed a clear choice bias in that they were more likely to prefer rewarding characters that they had chosen over equally rewarding characters they had been given.

As it turned out, the Millennials in the Etgar and Tamir data didn't show that default choice bias. When given two choices (default vs. alternative), the majority chose the alternative. When given three choices (default vs. two alternatives) they tended to be less likely to stick with the default as well. Both sets of students divided their preferences between the two alternatives, suggesting that they weren't overburdened by the cognitive load of the task.

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