"Confirmation bias" nghĩa là gì?

vẫn tin trái đất phẳng? Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash.

"Confirmation bias" = thiên kiến xác nhận -> nghĩa là khuynh hướng của con người ưa chuộng những thông tin nào xác nhận các niềm tin hoặc giả thuyết của chính họ.

Ví dụ
Last week, I wrote about how to locate and determine reputable media sources. A friend pointed out that sometimes people will start at a predetermined conclusion and then find articles to back up that position. This is known as confirmation bias, or the tendency to seek out or interpret information in a way that supports existing beliefs or values.

We all are susceptible to confirmation bias — a tendency to interpret and recall information that supports our beliefs. Entrenched confirmation bias is at work among many community bankers when it comes to customers' changing preference for digital-first engagement. Let me explain.

The confirmation bias is another process that helps you justify your beliefs. It involves favoring information that supports your beliefs and downplaying or ignoring information to the contrary. Some researchers have called this “my side blindness” – people see the flaws in arguments that are contradictory to their own but are unable to see weaknesses in their own side. Picture fans of a football team that went 7-9 for the season, arguing that their team is actually really strong, spotting failings in other teams but not in theirs.

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