"Bronx cheer" nghĩa là gì?

Typical New Yorker. Photo courtesy: Angela Martini

"Bronx cheer" = chúc mừng kiểu Bronx -> nghĩa là bĩu môi và tạo ra một âm thanh bằng cách lè lưỡi và thổi để chế giễu hoặc coi thường người khác. Cụm từ bắt nguồn từ một sự kiện thể thao tại khu Bronx của thành phố New York.

Ví dụ
So, instead, Ivanka will carry her father’s political brand forward. But with New York giving the Trumps a “Bronx cheer,” Ivanka’s likely launch site will be Florida — a state her father won in 2016 and 2020, and the home of his glitzy (phù phiếm) Mar-a-Lago resort and country club.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s messaging about how to control the virus has been shaky at times. And he certainly deserves a Bronx cheer for attending a birthday party for his political adviser with several other families, defying his public advice to social distance. It didn’t help that the event took place at the French Laundry, a chic Napa Valley restaurant.

As everybody on this call and everybody in the financial world knows, the Fed reacted very swiftly, by Fed standards, by cutting interest rates this week. The markets were happy for about 15 minutes, and then they gave it a Bronx cheer. I think that illustrates a couple of things: It illustrates that feeding the beast when the beast is hungry is almost impossible. Or, you can feed him, but you’re never going to satiate (thỏa mãn) him.

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