"Group think bias" nghĩa là gì?

nên tiếp cận nhiều nguồn tin... Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

'Group think bias' = định kiến tư duy theo nhóm -> nghĩa là hồ hởi với ý tưởng của số đông và có khuynh hướng không quan tâm đến những quan điểm hay ý tưởng khác với nhóm của mình.

Ví dụ
"One effect of the contraction of the news industry is that journalists (nhà báo) are networking with fewer peers and sources (nguồn tin). In one recently published study, "Sharing Knowledge and 'Microbubbles': Epistemic Communities and Insularity in US Political Journalism," researchers from the University of Illinois explore the extent to which groupthink bias is increasingly being built into the content (nội dung) we consume."

Investors who make investment decisions on the basis that ‘everyone else is doing it’ are succumbing to what is known as ‘herd bias’ (bầy đàn), choosing to believe that ‘everybody can’t be wrong’. This groupthink bias operates on the basis of safety in number where investors take comfort in the fact that everyone is jumping on the same bandwagon. Investing in a share because everyone else is doing the same is fundamentally flawed decision-making, primarily because the decision is not based on research but on the actions of the collective.

Our critics claim we want to turn over nuclear decision making to artificial intelligence devices such as Amazon Echo. While this may be humorous, it is detrimental to actually addressing the challenge the United States faces. We freely acknowledge the current limitations of artificial intelligence technologies, but we do not agree that these same limitations will necessarily exist one, five, or ten years hence. For skeptics of AI, there is an expectation that it must be perfect 100 percent of the time if it is to replace people. Yet humans are not held to the same standard. They are deeply flawed and prone to mistakes from stress, group think, bias, and other cognitive challenges. We have avoided nuclear miscalculations and mistakes not by ensuring individual perfection but by taking a layered approach to security. The same would be required with any AI.

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