"Herd bias" nghĩa là gì?

"đầu tư" vào bãi cỏ dại này ngon đấy... Photo by Juan Martin Lopez on Unsplash.

'Herd bias', herd mentality, herd instinct -> nghĩa là tâm lý bầy đàn, hiệu ứng bầy đàn; tâm lý đám đông miêu tả cách mà con người bị ảnh hưởng bởi những người xung quanh trong việc lựa chọn những hành vi, xu hướng, và những món đồ để mua nhất định. Tâm lý bầy đàn gây ra bởi phản ứng sợ hãi áp lực lên tâm lý cá nhân làm xuất phát ra hành động để tránh cảm giác "bị loại ra khỏi nhóm".

Ví dụ
These new investors (nhà đầu tư), who are too optimistic (quá lạc quan) and have little experience (rất ít kinh nghiệm) with strong market fluctuations (dao động thị trường), tend to panic (hoảng loạn) and act in accordance to "herd mentality" when the market starts going down.

Schroders personal finance director Claire Walsh said: “Herd bias can be responsible for driving classic investment mistakes – such as, buying high and selling low or chasing potential investment bubbles (bong bóng đầu tư) like Bitcoin."

Investors who make investment decisions on the basis that ‘everyone else is doing it’ are succumbing to what is known as ‘herd bias’, choosing to believe that ‘everybody can’t be wrong’. This groupthink bias operates on the basis of safety in number where investors take comfort in the fact that everyone is jumping on the same bandwagon. Investing in a share because everyone else is doing the same is fundamentally flawed decision-making, primarily because the decision is not based on research but on the actions of the collective.

Yeah, there was just this general sense of there's a pandemic. There's a - there's this coronavirus thing. It seems pretty bad. It looks pretty bad in Italy. Maybe I should do something. Maybe I should do something. But nobody's really - and then there's that moment where you're like, oh, I need to get toilet paper. I need to get food. I need to get masks. I need to sell my shares. It's too late. Everyone's doing the same thing at the same time. It's the herd instinct.

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