"Make-work project" nghĩa là gì?

"Make-work project" -> nghĩa là kế hoạch, công việc có ít mục đích, giá trị, dùng để mua việc cho người khác là chính; 'việc cho có'.

Ví dụ
The Belt and Road Initiative (sáng kiến) (BRI) is a branding exercise for China and its leader and a make-work project for state enterprises. It is also a national security strategy that adapts US Cold War policy to China’s present circumstance.

The Kolyma Highway was a make-work project, “Stalin’s citadel of repression (đàn áp).” Andrew Higgins, a reporter at The New York Times, wrote a recent article (bài báo) on the Kolyma Highway, that appeared in the Sunday, Nov. 22 edition. Higgins quotes from Varlam Shalamov’s short story collection, “Kolyma Tales.”

It feels like a make-work project. I’d rather see resources put into a campaign focused on drivers instead of lecturing (giảng dạy) pedestrians to watch out for reckless people behind the wheel. Pedestrians already know this. Many drivers don’t.

Walls make work project was promptly kyboshed by Sask. taxpayers but now this make work project rears it ugly head again thanks to Trudeau. It's no surprise that the Sask. Party can't wait to spend taxpayers money on something oil companies should be paying for.

Ngọc Lân

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