“Omission bias” nghĩa là gì?

đếm không bỏ sót con nào nhé!  Photo by Joss Woodhead on Unsplash

“Omission bias” = định kiến bỏ sót -> nghĩa là xu hướng đánh giá những hành động có hại nghiêm trọng hơn những bỏ sót có hại, vì hành động thì dễ nhận thấy hơn là bỏ sót, dù chúng có thể gây hại như nhau.

Ví dụ
According to Bish and co-authors, one of the reasons behind the reluctance (sự miễn cưỡng) to get oneself vaccinated is the ‘omission bias’. This means that bringing harm to oneself through action is less preferable than harm that comes one’s way without taking any action. It is important to take this into account when designing informational campaigns and a roll-out plan. 

To be clear, omission-bias is when an outlet or publication purposely suppresses (đàn áp) or outright ignores a newsworthy (đáng tin) story that is carried by others. In this case, the "others" initially was an exclusive in the New York Post, which was dismissed immediately by other media outlets and by Democrats as Russian disinformation or a smear (bôi nhọ) campaign by the Trump administration.

Omission bias, we have an irrational (không hợp lý) tendency to believe that harm caused due to our inaction is more palatable than harm caused through our actions. Let’s take schools as an example. We know that closing schools will negatively affect children’s education. If Johnson chooses to close schools, he is actively causing that consequence. Keeping schools open will increase the spread of the virus, while growing the inequality between students who have to isolate (or not) and have access to remote learning (or not).

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