"Sub rosa" nghĩa là gì?

"Sub rosa" tiếng Latin là "under the rose" -> nghĩa là cá nhân, riêng tư, bí mật.

Ví dụ
In Greek mythology the rose was associated with Aphrodite, goddess of love, who was said to have emerged from the sea in a shower of foam (bọt) that transformed into white roses. Her son Cupid bribed (mua chuộc) Harpocrates, the god of silence, with a single rose in return for not revealing his mother’s love affairs, giving rise to the Latin phrase sub rosa, “under the rose,” as a term for secrecy.

While the bankruptcy (phá sản) court concluded that the debtors had demonstrated that the DIP financing was necessary, fair, and in “good faith,” it would not approve the proposed DIP financing, finding that it constituted a sub rosa plan. Ultimately, the conversion feature was removed and the financing approved.

This type of provision (dự phòng) risked the DIP financing being challenged as an improper sub rosa plan of reorganization (i.e. disguised or hidden plans of reorganization), which are prohibited under the Bankruptcy Code. 

Need the Cliff Notes? Stan plays a former World War II soldier who is experimented on with a super soldier serum (huyết thanh), and brainwashed by the KGB. He spends the next 70 years carrying out sub rosa assassinations, which eventually brings him into conflict with his old pal, Captain America, in the present day. They’ve since patched things up and went on to fight a big purple alien together. Got it? Good.

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