"The Final Solution" nghĩa là gì?

"The Final Solution" = giải pháp cuối cùng -> nghĩa là chương trình thảm sát người Do Thái ở châu Âu của Đức Quốc xã trong thời kì Đệ tam Đế chế.

Ví dụ
His enthusiastic and efficient Viennese acts of “cleansing” brought rapid (nhanh chóng) promotion: first as governor of Krakow, where he built the notorious ghetto (khu ổ chuột); then as governor in Lemberg of the District of Galicia, where he oversaw the implementation (thi hành) of the Final Solution, under the guidance of Heinrich Himmler. His efforts later brought an indictment for “mass murder” of a hundred thousand or more Jews and Poles, including my grandfather’s family in Lemberg. 

“I was born in Parma in 1942, one of the worst years in human history, I think,” she told me. “January was the beginning of the Final Solution.”

The fall of the Soviet Union led to a feast of wartime bureaucratic (thuộc về) records, allowing historians to realize how much leeway Nazi officials were given. It became readily clear that the number of Nazis involved in enacting the Final Solution was much larger than previously believed.

But it is also true that Germany did make an effort to conceal the horrific implementation of the Final Solution. Red Cross representatives visited some concentration camps, where the Nazis endeavored (cố gắng) to hide what was really happening.

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