"Shilly-shally" nghĩa là gì?

"Shilly-shally" -> nghĩa là do dự nhiều thứ, khó đưa ra quyết định.

Ví dụ
Last week, I was in a shilly-shally mindset: Should I decorate (tân trang) my house or not, listen to Christmas music or not? I chose the former. It was time to begin a new life, again.

Taking such a shilly shally approach is simply no longer acceptable (chấp nhận) and we, as a council are asking again for a permanent solution to be identified, funded and delivered as a matter of urgency.

We are at a crossroads (bước ngoặt, bước quyết định) of severely tough choices in this country. We have been standing here for a long, long time. While we delay taking an inevitable path, the majority of well-thinking Jamaicans, who diligently and legally toil (vất vả) hoping to catch the increasingly elusive  (khó nắm) Jamaican dream, scream in agony because the merchants of misery are rapidly being emboldened by rancid victories. More than a spoke is needed in their wheel. We cannot dillydally and shilly-shally any more.

"In its elements, this is a story that is as indecisive, capricious (thất thường) and shilly-shally as water." Babu now brings order out of chaos, becomes a celebrity among the "young jet set of Dhaka," enters into a relationship with an attractive woman, and works an "overnight" miracle in an island as he did in Madhupur. 

Ngọc Lân

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