"Unconscious bias" nghĩa là gì?

chú chó cứng đầu...Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

“Unconscious bias” = định kiến vô thức -> nghĩa là những giả định, kỳ vọng xã hội trong suy nghĩ con người. Những thiên kiến này hình thành dựa vào những nhận thức từ bối cảnh xã hội, thái độ, văn hóa. Thiên kiến vô thức có thể xuất hiện dưới nhiều hình thức và đôi khi được coi là đồng nghĩa với định kiến hay cố chấp.

Ví dụ
Members of the Island’s six police departments will engage in (tham gia vào) an implicit and unconscious bias training May 4, 5, and 6. The training will be conducted on-Island by Hillard Heintze, a security risk management team based in Chicago. Originally scheduled for November, Island police chiefs moved the training to the spring amid COVID-19 concerns.

Let’s start with the easy bit. Unconscious bias is important. There is robust (mạnh mẽ) evidence (bằng chứng) that automatic mental associations (hiệp hội) about social groups impact our perceptions and decision-making and that people tend to hold more negative associations toward a variety of historically oppressed (bị áp bức) groups. This can have serious impacts on people’s lives.

These findings are surprising, considering 81% of companies already run unconscious bias training. This would suggest diminishing (giảm dần) confidence amongst talent leaders that unconscious bias training alone is enough to ensure fair, consistent and effective processes. Robert Newry, CEO of Arctic Shores, commented: “The BLM movement has amplified (khuếch đại) a long overdue awareness of bias and driven the need for action, so it’s encouraging to see companies saying they want to address issues of ‘gut feel’ and unconscious bias.

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