"Bean counter" nghĩa là gì?

"Bean counter" = người đếm hạt đậu -> nghĩa là kế toán, nhất là người làm việc trong công ty lớn và không muốn đồng nghiệp chi nhiều ngân sách.

Ví dụ
I just called him the ‘bean counter’ because most of the time I wanted to spend it and he didn’t. Thank the Lord he wanted to spend it on this.

And, if you want to be a bean counter for a minute, the way Nuart brings people into the city and the way it enhances (tăng cường) Aberdeen’s international reputation, plays directly into boosting our economy as it tries to recover (phục hồi) after the past devastating year.

The CFO is much more than a bean counter. She’s helped oversee (quan sát) Microsoft’s transformation, pushing the tech behemoth (kếch xù) into cloud computing and toward a subscription-based business model.

Rentokil Initial promotes (tăng cấp) North America chief financial (tài chính) officer to group bean counter. Stuart Ingall-Tombs is replacing Jeremy Townsend, who is leaving on August 14 after ten years in the role.

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