"Derring-do" nghĩa là gì?

"Derring-do" -> nghĩa là hành động quả cảm, nghĩa hiệp, không màng tới nguy hiểm, rủi ro.

Ví dụ
"It’s more difficult to understand what’s not working, and it’s the ‘What’s not’ that helps us to determine (xác định) the areas on which we have to focus to take the business to the next level,” explains Singh, who notes that the “front page” is carefully rendered by Levi’s Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) crew—a team of forward-looking finance professionals whose past feats of analytic (phân tích) derring-do have included helping the jeans maker to foresee the leap from “skinny jeans” to the baggie look among young consumers.

How did such a gentle, human narrative of the many faces of desperation get created and survive in a land barren (khô khan) of such stories? It wasn’t incidental. It was — like so much else in that singular era of governmental derring-do — a product of state aid.

He rose (vươn tới) to folk hero status with his derring-do as a journalist and came to national attention when his daughter, Senator Amy Klobuchar, spoke openly about his struggles with alcoholism.

“We’re just nursing a hangover (tàn tích). We didn’t have anything else to do,” said Norm Pennington, who came down from the Northwest Side with his girlfriend to witness the derring-do.

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