"Differently abled" nghĩa là gì?

"Differently abled" = năng lực khác biệt -> nghĩa là khuyết tật về tinh thần hoặc thể xác nhưng có các khả năng, phẩm chất mà người bình thường không có được. Đây là cách nói nhằm tránh nghĩa tiêu cực của 'dis' trong 'disabled'.

Ví dụ
After Madras high court’s (tòa án) directive to prioritise (ưu tiên) vaccination of people with disabilities, the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) has begun door-to-door inoculation for the differently abled.

Amidst the Covid pandemic, a 41-year-old differently abled and animal activist has been ousted (trục xuất) from her Pingla Ghar job of 25 years. Battling 75% disability in her legs due to polio, Raju says she is the sole breadwinner (trụ cột) for her home. Sacked on March 10 this year, she says she hasn't received her salary for the past one year (since April 2020).

Volunteers are selected from MSW departments of nine colleges in Ernakulam. They have a union (liên minh) focusing on civic issues. Some of the second-year degree students have offered to volunteer for the programme. They will make a list of differently-abled people in each local body and arrange one volunteer for 10 such people. They will be supported by two teachers in each panchayat.

Vehicles of the schools will be used to transport the differently-abled to therapy (điều trị) centres in case of emergency. Special schools will be made part of this project under the District Social Justice office.
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