"Extraordinary rendition" nghĩa là gì?

"Extraordinary rendition" -> nghĩa là dẫn độ tội phạm.

Ví dụ
The manner, through threat of military force, in which Protasevich was abducted (bắt cóc) from the jurisdiction of another State and brought within that of Belarus was tantamount (tương đương với) to an extraordinary rendition. Such abuse of State power against a journalist for exercising functions that are protected under international law is receiving, and deserves, the strongest condemnation.

Slahi was arrested in Mauritania in 2001 and was held in an "extraordinary rendition" site in Jordan and then in Guantanamo Bay for almost fifteen years. The Mauritanian tells the story of his experience and the legal (hợp pháp) effort to free him, lead by Nancy Hollander, portrayed by Jodie Foster.

"Downing aircraft to pursue (truy đuổi) the arrest of dissidents (chống đối) has always been outrageous," Snowden said via Twitter. "It is the modern expression of Bush-era 'extraordinary rendition' (international kidnapping by state agents), and should be opposed no matter the flag under which it occurs."

This harkens (làm nũng) back to the flagrantly illegal and inhumane US practice of extraordinary rendition, which was used to populate the Guantánamo torture chambers.

Ngọc Lân

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