"Ethnic cleansing" nghĩa là gì?

"Ethnic cleansing" -> nghĩa là 'thanh lọc sắc tộc'.

Ví dụ
Up until 2020, there had been roughly 5,600 Palestinian casualties (thiệt hại) as a result of this violence compared to 250 Israeli deaths. Today, the disparity (chênh lệch) between these statistics is likely even larger. This is not an equal battle, nor is it a mere conflict. This is an ethnic cleansing, one that the United States has been complicit in for years, and we must advocate for the government to stop funding this barbarity (dã man).

More than 2000 people took part in Auckland on Saturday in a demonstration (biểu tình) for justice for Palestine and against “genocide” (diệt chủng) and “ethnic cleansing”. While speakers welcomed the ceasefire on Thursday night in the Israeli attack on Gaza after 11 days of bombardment (bắn phá), they lamented the lack of progress in addressing the “root causes” of the conflict.

If you don’t understand what the term “ethnic cleansing” really means, try to take a deeper dive into understanding what the state of Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

Ngọc Lân

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