"Dreams of empire" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Pat Whelen on Unsplash

"Dreams of empire" = giấc mơ đế quốc -> nghĩa là khao khát thèm muốn danh vọng, vinh quang vu vơ, không mục đích.

Ví dụ
Brexit Britain, fired up on dreams of empire after leaving EU, is making enemies on the world stage – Kenny MacAskill. UK may be about to have the kind of crisis that forces countries to reassess (dịnh mức lại) themselves, says Kenny MacAskill.

Blanchflower, a fierce (gay gắt) critic of what he calls “austerity (khắc khổ) economics”, said: “I think major issue now is whether in order Scotland Northern Ireland and even Wales separate from the little Englanders and their dreams of empire.

She sang in praise (khen ngợi) of Italy’s ill-fated dreams of empire then, and in Canada, her repertoire ranged from religious hymns to popular songs from the 1950s. La Casetta in Canada (My little house in Canada) ranked high on her list.

Power politics has a bad reputation in Germany, and it is not hard to see why. Otto von Bismarck and his successors (người kế nhiệm) made Germany a great power, but the effort ended in the shipwreck of World War I. Adolf Hitler’s fever dreams of empire led to an even worse outcome.

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