“Prisoner of conscience” nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Victor B. on Unsplash

“Prisoner of conscience” = tù nhân lương tâm -> nghĩa là chỉ những người bị bỏ tù vì lý do chủng tộc, chính trị, tôn giáo, màu da, niềm tin hay lối sống của họ. Cụm từ này được đặt ra bởi các nhóm đấu tranh cho nhân quyền thuộc Tổ chức Ân xá Quốc tế (Amnesty International) đầu thập niên 1960.

Ví dụ
Amnesty International has apologised to jailed Kremlin critic Alexey Navalny for stripping (tước bỏ) him of its “prisoner of conscience” status and said it would restore the designation (danh hiệu).

This development has hit the families of detainees (người bị tạm giữ) especially hard. Their appeals to the international community to exert pressure on the regime to free prisoners of conscience were heeded by some human rights bodies who urged the Bahraini state to release all prisoners of conscience.

On 6 April, Abbas Malallah, a prisoner of conscience who was arrested in 2011 for participating in pro-democracy protests (biểu tình ủng hộ dân chủ), died in Jau Prison at the age of 50. According to prison officials, the cause of death was a heart attack, but other causes cannot be discounted, including “medical negligence (sơ suất y tế)”.

In a surprise move, the regime freed from prison on 8 May all 16 of Turkmenistan's known jailed (bị bỏ tù) conscientious objectors (người từ chối nhập ngũ) in a prisoner amnesty (lệnh ân xá). The 16 – all of them Jehovah's Witnesses – were serving jail terms of between one and four years. They are among the very few prisoners of conscience - including political prisoners (tù nhân chính trị) - ever to be freed in the regular prisoner amnesties. No Muslims jailed for exercising freedom of religion or belief are known to have been amnestied.

Thu Phương

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