“The dictates of conscience” nghĩa là gì?

Hãy cứ làm vì lương tâm bạn bảo thế. Photo by Reimond de Zuñiga on Unsplash

“The dictates of conscience” = mệnh lệnh, tiếng gọi của lương tâm -> nghĩa là hướng về các nguyên tắc niềm tin, giá trị đạo đức của bản thân; làm theo lương tâm mách bảo.

Ví dụ
"We will stand with the right of every American, of every faith, to live, to work, to speak and to worship according to the dictates of their conscience," Pence said.

In reference to the second case, the question has been put, “Should not a man always act according to the dictates of conscience?" The answer is, yes, if his conscience be an enlightened conscience.

It is vitally important, therefore, to show that Newman included in his doctrine (học thuyết) on conscience the absolute need for some objective criteria (tiêu chí khách quan) for evaluating the dictates of conscience.

If conscience be the only faculty of the mind which gives us a sense of moral obligation (nghĩa vụ đạo đức), then its dictates are always to be followed. Though all allow that we ought to follow the dictates of conscience when it is rightly informed, yet some suppose we ought not to follow its dictates when it is misinformed and erroneous.

Thu Phương

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