"Grandfather clock" nghĩa là gì?

"Grandfather clock" = đồng hồ ông nội -> nghĩa là đồng hồ tủ đứng.

Ví dụ
Selinsgrove resident Robert Sprenkel sold a 1773 grandfather clock for $10,500 but says the antique (đồ cổ) timepiece could have fetched more if he hadn’t refinished it.

The poster features the grandfather clock from the Stranger Things season 4 teasers we’ve seen so far. There are some incredible (ấn tượng) details, which we’ve shared below. For more great Stranger Things art, check out @thesonnyfive on Instagram.

The relationship that the researchers found is a limit on the accuracy (độ chính xác) of a clock, so it doesn’t mean that a clock that creates the most possible entropy would be maximally accurate – hence a large, inefficient grandfather clock not being more precise than an atomic clock

The reception, which also has a grandfather clock, leads into the drawing room, dining room and sitting room.

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