"Helter-skelter" nghĩa là gì?

"Helter-skelter" -> nghĩa là tốc độ nhanh, hỗn loạn.

Ví dụ
The captain was absolutely sensational (tốt) and his experience and his composure was vital in such a helter-skelter game.

But there were times when the helter-skelter Sharks seemed destined (được chỉ định) to get four tries but lose the game and so land on 12 log points, ensuring the Bulls cannot be caught in the last round next weekend.

They sought (rà soát) quiet, a moment to reflect on what the young Grizzlies had just done -- and what they were about to face. The Grizzlies had played a league-high 40 regular-season games after the All-Star break -- the helter-skelter schedule resulting from several postponements linked to health and safety protocols. 

Jump, run, dance, play, get active every day! That was the slogan and the mantra (thần chú) for pupils at Bigstone National School this week when the playground was helter skelter with activities.

Ngọc Lân

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