"Keep schtum" nghĩa là gì?

"Keep schtum" -> nghĩa là giữ trật tự, không nói một lời.

Ví dụ
Tennis ace Naomi Osaka’s decision (quyết định) to keep schtum – and no longer do press conferences – brings to mind a debate I used to have with my mother.

Whilst it seemed at first as though Jess would keep schtum about everything, she decided to go to the police after Dylan chased her in his car and threatened (đe dọa) her with a gun. Obviously the three of them have been up to no good, but it's not exactly clear what happened to tie them all together.

A cynic might expect a law firm specialising in cycling accident claims to keep schtum about something adding to its client base, but it too has spoken out.

But, regardless of whether it’s justified (hợp lý), why merely update a website and keep schtum? And why such mixed messages?

Ngọc Lân

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