"Mackerel sky" nghĩa là gì?

"Mackerel sky" = trời cá thu -> nghĩa là bầu trời với những hàng mây trắng xếp đều nhau như vảy cá.

Ví dụ
A mackerel sky is a beautiful site and a common term for clouds made up of rows (theo hàng) of altocumulus (mây dung tích) and cirrocumulus (mây ti tích) clouds. It appears as a rippling type pattern in the sky and it can look like fish scales in the sky. This is caused by moisture in the mid levels that get trapped between dry air at the surface and dry cold air in high levels of in the atmosphere. The wind and gravity is what causes the rippled look.

‘Waterd’ signified a sky where the clouds were high, thin, and small, a phenomenon (hiện tượng) known as a ‘mackerel sky’ because of its resemblance to the scaly backs of the fish. ‘Cloudy’, according to Hooke, was to be used when the sky was full of thick, dark clouds and ‘lowring’ for a very overcast sky complete with numerous thick dark clouds which threatened rain.

When there is a specific level of moisture (độ ẩm) in the air, altocumulus clouds form, providing an indication that rainfall is drawing closer. The expression itself, ‘mackerel sky’, derives from the clouds resemblance to the the scales of fish.

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