"Paying guest" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Aaron Sousa on Unsplash

"Paying guest" = khách trả tiền -> nghĩa là người thuê nhà, thuê trọ.

Ví dụ
On May 18, both these actors fled (bỏ trốn) from the Aarey Colony after allegedly stealing Rs 3,28,000 from the locker of a woman who was staying as a paying guest in the same accommodation (nơi ở), said the police.

Two actors who had worked in crime-related television shows were on Friday arrested in the case of theft, informed the police. According to the police, both actors who were suffering from financial (kinh tế) crunch due to lack of work had shifted to a building located in the Royal Palm area of Aarey Colony a few days ago, run by one of their friend's as paying guest accommodation.

The duo identified (nhận dạng) as Surabhi Surendra Lal Srivastava (25) and Mosina Mukhtar Sheikh (19) were arrested for stealing Rs 3.28 Lakhs from the paying guest accommodation where they stayed at, in Aarey Colony.

A 24-year-old youth youth was found dead at his paying guest (PG) room at Dashmesh Colony in Balongi. The deceased has been identified as Arvind Banyal, a native of Hamirpur (HP).

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