"Petty cash" nghĩa là gì?

"Petty cash" có petty là nhỏ mọn, vụn vặt -> cụm từ này nghĩa là tiền để dành, dành riêng cho các khoản chi tiêu lặt vặt; tiền xăng xe, diêm thuốc...

Ví dụ
A petition (thỉnh cầu) was created to stop the city from implementing (thi hành) parking fees. The petition’s creator calls the move a “petty money grab” that will make the city less inclusive and less accessible.

Only 30 percent of the city’s roads are considered to be in good condition, leaving almost the rest in need of repair with others needing replacement (thay thế). In some city residential, some youths now use some loose forms of material to temporarily feel up as a means of soliciting for petty money from motorists.

Get serious about defining (định nghĩa) what's 'yours', 'mine' and 'ours'. Yes, it sounds a little obvious, but knowing what expenses you're going to share and how you're going to keep track of them will save many petty money fights later on.

Why didn’t the authorities (chính quyền) leave some petty money for the students as living allowance since they don’t have any income (thu nhập) and it’s hard to transfer money from China to Britain?

Ngọc Lân

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