"Cringeworthy" nghĩa là gì?

"Cringeworthy" -> nghĩa là khiến mọi người cảm thấy khó chịu, xấu hổ, không thoải mái.

Ví dụ
If fans were unsettled by the video of Corden thrusting (đẩy mạnh) at a car in a mouse costume, they may not want to see the scene in "Cinderella" when Corden is just a head digitally fused to a mouse's body. Is that a cringe-worthy moment or just plain horrifying?

They've never shied (né tránh) away from the spotlight, with even their wedding televised for the nation on A Current Affair in 2019. And now Jules Robinson, 38, and Cam Merchant, 37, have put their lives on display again, with the reality TV couple setting up a makeshift *tạm thời) red carpet event in their backyard on Wednesday. The Married At First Sight stars shared a cringeworthy homemade video in which they shared their support for the AusMumpreneur Awards. 

Workers have revealed their most cringeworthy Zoom meeting moments, from accidentally sharing their own nude pictures to complaining (than phiền) about their colleagues. The thread was started by an embarrassed woman from Sydney who confessed to complaining about 'how boring' her colleague was during a meeting.

The woman then asked for other people to share their own awkward (khó xử Zoom moments, and they obliged with hundreds of women leaving cringeworthy moments in the comments.

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