"Hedonic treadmill" nghĩa là gì?

Mọi chuyện rồi sẽ ổn thôi!!! Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

"Hedonic treadmill" có hedonic là chủ nghĩa khoái lạc, treadmill là công việc hằng ngày mệt mỏi -> từ này nghĩa là xu hướng của con người nhanh chóng trở về trạng thái tâm lý ổn định, bình thường sau biến cố tiêu cực, hay các thay đổi trong cuộc sống; vòng xoáy khoái lạc. 

Ví dụ
In his work as an executive coach—he’s also previously co-authored (đồng tác giả) the books Peak Performance and The Passion Paradox—Stulberg noticed that many of the executives, entrepreneurs, and athletes he coaches were stuck on this hedonic treadmill: wanting, striving, achieving, and then, ultimately, finding themselves back to wanting. 

“COVID-19 has made people all over the world realize that maybe they will need some better tools to cope (đối đầu) with change, loss, stress, boredom, and loneliness. Other than Netflix, alcohol, Tinder, and a nice car,” says author, and reformed hedonist, Sutter. A man who has spent his time living in a hut in the forest learning how to truly step off the hedonic treadmill.

Psychologists say that when human beings experience something good — a long-awaited promotion, a new car, a winning lottery ticket, for instance — the surge of happiness that’s experienced is likely to return to a steady personal baseline over time. It’s a phenomenon known as the “hedonic treadmill,” sometimes also referred to as hedonic adaptation.

Unfortunately, humans are great at adaptation (thích nghi). It can be a good thing: Just think back to how quickly we adapted to all of the stressful changes the pandemic brought on. But we adapt to positive life changes too, in a process called “hedonic adaptation.”

Ngọc Lân

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