Người về từ Matxcơva

người đàn ông Ấn Độ định buôn lậu gần 1 kg vàng (nhét vào đít) đã bị bắt giữ vì "dáng đi rất dị dạng" :D

Mohammad Sharif was "moving suspiciously" (đáng nghi) when cops at Imphal Airport, southern India decided to give him a check-up.

What they found was less 007, more The Man with the Golden Bum.

After an internal search, Mohammad was allegedly found to have almost a kilo of gold wedged up his backside.

India Times reported he was on his way to New Delhi when his subtle ploy (mánh khóe, thủ đoạn) was rear-ended at the last moment.

...It was then, during the examination (khám xét), that his flaky (dễ bong ra từng mảnh; điên rồ, dị) plan was revealed (phát giác).

Bài trước: Phải rất giàu
Tags: india


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