"Polywork" nghĩa là gì?

"Polywork" -> nghĩa là làm nhiều việc, nhiều nghề cùng lúc.

Ví dụ
Younger generations, including millennials and Generation Z, are opting out of a traditional full-time job for “polywork.” According to a new survey from professional social network Polywork, the practice of “polywork” is defined (định nghĩa) as having multiple jobs at once, rather than focusing on a single income from full-time work.

The survey says 64% of young professionals now “polywork” or want to and 75% say that do upwards of 10 types of professional work at the same time. Only 35% of respondents said they intended to stick with a single job for life.

If you haven’t heard the term “polywork” yet, chances are you will soon. It’s the recently coined term for having more than one job at the same time. Busy polyworkers have also been referred to as “multipotentialites” (đa tiềm năng) and “career slashers” who enjoy “portfolio careers.” (Slasher stands for the backslash in programmer/musician/landscaper, for example.) Whatever you call it, the polywork movement is more than just a passing fad or patchwork of positions. 

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