"Daft cow" nghĩa là gì?

"Daft cow" có daft là ngớ ngẩn, ngu ngốc -> từ này nghĩa là người đần độn, ngốc nghếch; thằng dở người.

Ví dụ
Everything from calling me a “daft cow” and telling me I needed to “get laid” to threatening (đe dọa) to come and find me and violently or sexually attack me, they bombard me with gender-based slurs again and again.

One horrified user commented: "That kind of plastic probably can’t even hold petrol, will likely dissolve the bottles." "Highly dangerous. What a daft cow," another wrote.

Labour (lao động) councillor calls mayor a 'f***ing daft cow' during video meeting before realising he wasn't on mute.

And a sixth said: "Grace, you daft cow! As if she's just left Glory at home by herself!" Luckily for viewers who aren't big fans of Grace, she is set to make her exit soon. Aggie is set to discover that Grace left Glory on her own, and she's furious (tức giận) over the news.

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