"You only live once" nghĩa là gì?

"You only live once" thường được viết tắt là YOLO -> câu động viên mọi người nên thử mọi thứ mình thích, kể cả có ngu ngốc hay nguy hiểm; đời ngắn lắm, cứ chơi đi.

Ví dụ
On a sunny but windy New Year’s Day, brave souls took the plunge into the 60-degree waters of Tybee Beach. “If you haven’t done it, do it, you only live once,” said Chuck from Hinesville. “It’s been colder, it wasn’t too bad,” said Dana Batchelor from Eatonton.

Her key to success "is (as cheesy as it sounds) you only live once. Never be afraid to try something new, and always go for it if you want it, because you never know what will happen, and life is too short to let it fly by."

"Let this be a reminder (lời nhắc)…… You only live ONCE, but if you do it right, once is enough," stated Kyrgios. Those in the crowd will remember this day for a long time.

"I had a heart attack in June last year and realised you only live once. "You may think, 'why would you open a bar when you've just had a heart attack?' but life's too short to worry (lo lắng) about things like that so here we are."

Ngọc Lân

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