Đừng lệ thuộc Google

nam thanh niên Indonesia tí cưới nhầm cô dâu vì Google Maps dẫn tới nhầm nhà... :)

According to Indonesian portal Tribunnews, there were two ceremonies (lễ) – a wedding (lễ cưới) and an engagement (lễ đính hôn) – in the same village (cùng làng) on Sunday which led to the confusion (lẫn lộn, nhầm lẫn).

The 27-year-old bride Ulfa told the portal that she was initially unaware the man had entered the wrong house as she was being attended to by the make-up artist.

“But my family welcomed them and they proceeded to exchange gifts (trao đồ lễ),” she said.

Thankfully, one member of the group realised they had entered the wrong house.

“They said they were led to the house by Google Maps,” she said, adding that before leaving, they apologised for the mix up.

Ulfa said her fiance and his group were late as they had to stop to look for a toilet.

Bài trước: Lý do chính đáng
Tags: marriage


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