"Assume airs" nghĩa là gì?

"Assume airs" -> nghĩa là có suy nghĩ, hành xử, ra vẻ bản thân mình hơn người, tự kiêu, tự mãn.

Ví dụ
In other words the superiority (mạnh hơn) of one man over another is only on the basis of God-consciousness, purity of character and high morals (đạo đức), and not on the basis of colour, race, language or nationality, and even this superiority based on piety and pure conduct does not justify that such people should play lord or assume airs of superiority over other human beings.

Gus moves to an enigmatically (bí ẩn) depressing apartment complex and flounders through his job as an on-set tutor at a supernatural TV period piece called Witchita, which I’m just going to assume airs on the CW. 

Archbishop Conti paid tribute to a family man “loved” by his constituents (cấu thành), adding: “High office did not lead Michael to assume airs and graces, he did not need to – he had a natural grace.”

It is all too easy for officials, elected or unelected, to assume airs of being all-wise, all-knowledgeable, and beyond reproach. 

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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