"A coign of vantage" nghĩa là gì?

"A coign of vantage" -> nghĩa là vị trí đẹp, đắc địa để quan sát, nhìn kĩ hơn. 

Ví dụ
Open since March 2018, a sister venue to iconic Bhima’s Warung, Loloan’s 20-seat quartz bar is a coign of vantage for watching the entire space — and the people — especially from the comfortable aquamarine (màu xanh ngọc) stools (ghế đẩu) with Dorset Street windows behind.

When the doctors declare (tuyên bố) you dead, you will hear them. Quite often, you may see them, too, from a coign of vantage, if you are lucky enough to number among the 0.4 per cent of cardiac arrest patients who return from the dead with their memories intact.

As voters in more and more countries bet against enlightened (được khai sáng) self-interest, the intersection of politics and psychology is now a coign of vantage for understanding the world and its discontents.

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