"Cold snap" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

"Cold snap" -> nghĩa là đợt rét đột ngột, đợt không khí lạnh tràn về.

Ví dụ
While Tasmania won't see the 20-50 centimetres of snow forecast (dự báo) for Victorian and New South Wales ski fields, it won't dodge the cold snap entirely.

It’s just that the lead-up to the cold change has been unusually warm and wet, so rather than becoming gradually acclimatised (thích nghi) as the weather got colder, we’re shocked by the onset of a cold snap.

In fact, she says, the period of rain leading up to the cold snap kept temperatures higher than usual, especially overnight, which meant when the big chill (gió lạnh) did finally arrive it hit us a lot harder.

According to weather experts, the cold snap is being caused by Antarctic air mass colliding with two moisture sources.

Ngọc Lân

Tags: ngoclanword

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